Just to proof that TRX deal was made with the best interest to the nation..
"According to the agreement, they have to pay within a certain period and give us an additional RM100mil. If they pay us a year later, they will give RM200mil. If they pay after that, the whole building will belong to the Finance Ministry.
“I think we should look at the agreement. We are bound by the agreement,” Lim told reporters at a special media briefing on TRX yesterday"
LGE blunders big time on this. TRX already belongs to MOF. Its like a father claims that his son steal money from him to pay off his monthly car installment. Do we call that bail-out ka?
Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2018/06/22/govt-may-own-skyscraper-if-indonesian-firm-cant-live-up-to-bargain/#RGOIYcI1JAL2ixXf.99